Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 13 - Modelling Morris St Facing Building

Since finishing the first part of my Wellfit Centre model I have started to model the Morris St facing building which occupies the gym, reception, cafe and education spaces. Currently I am working in sketchup to do this...but I have been referring to my resolved floor plans and sections to help generate the model. I still have some bits and pieces to fix up involving final materials, etc but below shows a simple process of how I developed this section of the Wellfit Centre.

Curtain wall between lecture room and rooftop urban park
Extending from the Latrobe Tce facing building I began to construct the linking walkway/hallway between the two buildings. As you can see in the image above I have firstly modelled the curtain wall which runs perpendicular to the rooftop urban park. This curtain wall both acts a transition barrier between the building interior and exterior and also helps to draw in large amounts of sunlight during the day. As there is a thick concrete wall inset from this curtain wall the lecture/multipurpose room will not be impacted by the large amounts of sunlight. I still need to model the the double door in the glass which allows for the users to transition between the spaces.

Lounge area facing rooftop urban park
This space forms as the lounge area/entry space between the buildings and also the topographic roof on the exterior. Currently I have only modelled basic elements like the floor and walls of the internal space.

Completed modelling of lounge area with windows
The image above showcases the completed modelling for this space. A concrete external wall with eye height window penetrations have been added. This space directly faces the rooftop urban park and with the eye height windows maximum views are acquired, whilst also blocking out much of the northern sun. 

Gym level area with pool
I then decided to move onto modelling to Morris st facing building. For this I felt that modelling from the ground up would work best as it would allow me to extend the core throughout the various levels. As it can be seen I have begun to add dominant features to the space like the swimming pool, saunas, change rooms and external walls.

Ground level including gym, reception and cafe
After completing the first level I moved onto the ground level where I have successfully modelled the reception, cafeteria, gym and void spaces. Furniture needs to be added intto these spaces in order to successfully activate them. 

Vertical fin on the facade of the building
To remain consistent I have utilised the same vertical fin facade as what is seen on the other building. This allowed for me to easily copy and paste the existing fins which enabled this facade to be completed effectively and efficiently. The vertical fins cover most of the building helping to filter light into the internal spaces successfully.

Modelling of the First level of Morris St building
Moving onto the Level 1 floorplan I quickly modelled the layout successfully, which can be seen in the above image. This involved simple extrusions from the floor plate to allow for the internal walls to be created. 

Completed model of Morris St facing building
The image above showcases the finished model of the Morris st facing building.

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