Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 12 Lecture - Design Criteria

The lecture this week focused on the final presentation for the project and more importantly how to specifically communicate the proposal to the tutors. It is expected that we are to establish;

  • A method for communication
  • An effort to invest into the communicate
  • And an appropriateness of what we communicate. 
I believe that the art of presenting is great trait to have for an Architect and therefore communication offers itself as a key connection between myself and the tutors. I have begun to think about what the most effective methods of communication would be for this type of presentation. As we already need to create an A1 panel I feel that by also having a powerpoint presentation will help to present more detail about the architectural entity (Wellfit Centre).

Another important note that Yasu discussed during the lecture was that we are to prepare the presentation as if we are assuming that tutors are the client of the project. This will help us a undergraduates to begin to understand the processes of a real life client meeting as well as help us to gain knowledge and confidence for our future endeavours. From this, I feel that I will need to establish a presentation which is;
  • Informative from both an educational perspective
  • Informative from both a visual perspective
  • Professional (approach, dress code and speech)
  • Timely 
  • Easily understandable and succinct.
Process to delivery a professional presentation to the Tutors/Clients

I feel that for the presentation I will need to really understand and identify myself with all the spaces within the building, its functions, its form, its materials, its impacts on the community, site and adjacent buildings and particularly its developed experiences for the first hand users. With practice I will be able to gain confidence and have the knowledge to communicate my ideas effectively and answers questions which are posed to me by the tutors. 

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