Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 11 - Spatial Diagramming

After talking to Brett last week I found that there were too many functional spaces within the building which were causing issues for the form, access and movement of the users through the space. Therefore this week I have begun to concentrate solely on the urban park, gym and also the education centre. Consequently, I have gone back to the drawing board and created a new set of spatial layouts which I personally want to achieve within the buildings. I believe these layouts are more refined and will be more successful then those created last week. The following diagrams show the relationships between spaces, the significant connections between the buildings and also some new refined functional spaces.

Spatial layout for Gym level of second building
Spatial layout for ground level of second building

Spatial layout for ground level of first building

First level spatial layout of Morris St facing building

Spatial layout for first level of first building

Rooftop spatial layout

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