Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 13 - Modelling Latrobe Tce Facing Building

Vertical fins added to Latrobe Tce and Warmington St facades

After modelling the simple enough carpark I have begun to further develop the Latrobe Tce facing building, which I feel is the most complex out of the entire Wellfit Centre, due to its unique roof. As you can see in the above image I have started to simply layout the walls and floors for the various spaces and have begun to experiment with a facade system which will look aesthetically pleasng to the onlookers/users but also provide a sufficent functional ability. These vertical fins will run from the floor to the ceiling to ensure that no unwanted sunlight (reflection) can enter the space.

Vertical fins colour changed to various greens
I have begun to advance the modelling of the vertical fins by changing the colours randomly to different shades of green and white. The reason why colours have been added to the fins is to create both a visually stimulant facade from the street but also to create varying colours of light entering the space. Green has been chosen as the predominant colour to mimic the greenery of the topograhic roof and rooftop park.

Woolworths and Fruit and Veg Grocer modelled (Curtain wall panel added)
The next crucial aspect I felt needed to be completed was the fitout of the ground level. This would help to set the base for the rest of the building model. In the image above it can be seen that both the curtain walls for the Woolworths and Fruit and veg grocer has been added to the ground level. In order to complete the modelling for these two spaces furniture needs to be added in.

Ramp and railing added to connect ground level with rooftop park
Now that the ground level has established spaces I have decided to model the ramp from the ground to the urban park. This ramp allows for an easy transition for the user from street level to the park. The ramp has been modelled with necessary railings and at a slope of 1:14 to allow for disabled access.

Beginning to add in the lecture room floor
The only thing now to be modelled is the topgraphic roof. To ensure this is completed correctly the necessary floors and walls needed to be put in place so that  stairs can easily adjoin to both of these elements.

Topographic roof surface has begun to be modelled over the building.
The image above shows the beginning to the topgraphic roof modelling. Currently the stairs are 1.5 metres in width and have a riser of 150mm. This allows for a smooth movement for the user from street level to the bar/cafe at the top.

Finished topographic roof surface
The final stairs and therefore the topographic roof surface has now been completedly modelled. As it can be seen the slope is very shallow allowing disabled access via the ramp on the right. Vegetation at a later date needs to be added to this space.

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