Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 11 Exemplar - Topographic Roof

Over the last couple of days I have begun to research some topographical roofs as inspiration for my design. Currently I want the roof to stretch over the building with it beginning at ground level and slowly growing in height to the top roof bar/cafe. During my research I stumbled across the 2012 winning Thematic Pavilion project for 2012- One Ocean by Soma. This particular design resonated with me straight away as it was exactly how I imagined my roof to be. In this design there is a seamless flow of pedestrians from the public corridor entering the building roof, due to its topographical nature. This has made me very excited in developing this crucial space for my building and I will begin to investigate how exactly I can nurture this sort of idea/design within the site. I must add quickly that I do not agree that the above roof would work as such as it is only limiting the entrance of "abled" people. I want my design to cater for all types of users and as a consequence my roof will be designed at a 1:14 angle. 

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