Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 12 - Facade Inspiration

This week I felt it was important to concentrate on the exterior of my building before I began modelling on Sketchup. More specifically, I wanted to decide upon a feature facade which would positively impact on the Wellfit Centre overall, both visually and functionally. Through investigation and research on the net I found two specific exemplar buildings which both have dominant facades like what I am wanting to utilise for my own. These buildings are; 

  • City Green Court by Richard Meier & Partners
  •  Radio Nacional de Espana Headquarters by Ravetllat-Ribas
City Green Court
Richard Mieir & Partners have developed a building which is similar to mine, regarding the fact that it is predominately glass on the exterior of the building. Specifically, the facade in which they have employed is one which attaches vertical fins to the building exterior. As these run up and down I feel it helps to create a continual vertical flow for the building.  It seems that these fins are neither heavy weighted or obstructive to the entire building make up and essentially blend in effectively, which can definitely be seen as a positive. It must be noted that they are actually angled specifically to one side so as to block out most of the sunlight during the day, but still allow a view to the outside.

 Radio Nacional de Espana Headquarters
Ravetllat-Ribas have essentially created a facade which works effectively for the climate but also offers a a very strong visual impact on the building. Unlike the City Green Court facade, this one stands out clearly from the building exterior. Notably with its bright yellow colour and also its horizontal running members makes it obvious from the distance. The facade obviously blocks out the light effectively with the high  and angle and closeness of the members. 

I am undure which facade would work best for my building and I think I will need to investigate this more over the next week. 

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