Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 10 - Progress

For the tute this week I have developed some schematic drawings which show the basic interaction of spaces across all of the levels. Although they are basic they truly show what I want to achieve in all of the spaces and allow the viewer to understand the direction that I am going.

The floorplan above reveals the commercial level of my building and the access in which I want between the surrounding public corridors

In the above floorplan it shows the connection of the IGA store and fruit and veg grocer with the front of the street. This is important for the non-building users who can quickly enter the stores without disrupting the internal flow of the building.

Level 1 flooplan is the gym level. I feel that as the Gym is so crucial to health and wellness it deserves to occupy the whole space to cater for all different user needs.

Level 2 flooplan above is again dedicated completely to the one function. This allows the most amount of activities to be placed within the one level so that all users are catered for. Simply, I am envisioning this level to include a multipurpose room, classrooms and kitchens for the users.

Currently, this seems to be the most exciting level of the building; the topographical urban park. I want to explore this in great detail with it offering itself as a place for exercise, place to meet and a place to relax for users. It must be noted that the roof has a steady incline which will probably be activated by some sort of stepped stairs. A rooftop cafe/bar also  adds to the overall activation of the rooftop space.

The above section really begins to show the relationships of the spaces across the level and how each of the sit within the form of the building. A vertical core is to run up the middle of the building to allow for acces across all levels.

The elevation reveals what I am trying to achieve generally for this project. I want to create an active building where the user is always moving and entertained. The cutout facade and snaking of members through the facade helps to create this effect.

Comments from the Tutor: 
After talking to Brett it was found that a lot of work needed to be placed into this design. Firstly the urban park is way too dangerous, being at such a large slope and such a large height away from the ground. This somehow needs to be lessened and minimized potentially with the removal of some functions. It will not attract users to the space with it being so large. Brett suggested that I possibly look at the designing the urban park to run through the buildings in order to keep all spaces activated with views of the park. Finally scale needs to be addressed. The building is too high and is going to be overwhelming for the neighbouring sites. These issues must be addressed over the next week so as to create a more resolved design for the paddington site.

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