Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week 10 - Exemplar Urban Park Building

Culture Forest - Usangdong Architects

Over the last week I have begun to research some exemplar buildings which I believe can help to establish the form which I am trying to achieve, the spaces and also concept of the building overall. The Culture Forest by Usangdong Architect is a great exemplar which I have found as it boasts all of the sufficient qualities I want my building to entail. I love how the building, even though stationary, looks completely active with its different members, cut outs and employed materials. For my design I really want to create an active piece of architecture which will keep the user entertained and motivated.

Entrance way - Culture Forest

The entry to the building is very grand and these sorts of aspects is what I want to bring through into my design. I feel that for the user the entrance can set the tone for the building and I believe that by designing something which is equally as impressive both visually and functionally will help to sell my idea and building to the Paddington community.

Facade cutout - Culture Forest
The cutout spaces which I have noticed in this building help the building not only on a visual sense, but help to create a greater indoor environment for the user. I believe I should begin to investigate this sort of cutout feature to my building facade so that I may be able to activate the internal spaces with gardens, activity and also allow natural light into great depths of the internal spaces.

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