Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 6 - Final Presentation

This week the group has worked effectively together to establish the final presentation for the first assignment. Like what was said within last weeks tutorial the best result would be achieved if we divided the work evenly between the four of us. This needed to occur  because of our conflicting schedules and various other assessment pieces due this week. This seemed to work well with each member of the group effectively working towards our desired goal.

Specifically, we split the roles into:

  • Future Scenario: Samantha
  • Sustainable Future: Annie and I
  • People and Lifestyles: Sophie
  • Architectural Opportunities: All
  • Panoramic Shot: Sophie

The only problem which arose throughout this process, was the collaboration of the work when compiling the panels. Due to one person completing this at home it was hard to develop effective communication as to what had to go where and as such some of the information was misplaced on the panels. Also file sharing caused an issue as the files became very large to operate with (long upload time).

The final four panels were:

Future Scenario
This panel showcases the patterns, principles and drivers which all impact on the new future scenario that we have developed for the Paddington Central Site. 

Sustainable Future
The sustainable society of our future scenario has been mapped out within this panel showcases sustainability strategies and principles within the local Paddington community, Paddington central and Brisbane. We have also delved deeper in that we have realised the impact this scenario will have on other cities around Queensland and then Australia. 

Architectural Opportunities
This panel defines the four architectural opportunities which we have created for the new Paddington site. Although it is simple it clearly showcases the functions and its relationship within the site context.


People and Lifestyles
The new scenario we have developed has impacted on the people and the new lifestyles in which they live. This panel records the experiences of a new "typical family" within the Paddington Central community. 


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