Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week 4 - Research

Over the past week I have begun to research about health and the benefits it provides for people and their lifestyles. In doing so, this will help to provide me with a base knowledge of what services will need to be provided for my WellFIT CENTRE. Consequently, by obtaining this knowledge I will be able to understand the experiences a user would go through whilst participating in such health activities. This will allow me to understand the emotions and actions of a person which will help to develop my character's story and recount within Paddington Central

What I have found it that we are supposed to maintain a well disciplined life. Such as we need to do some physical exercise regularly, we should take proper food, i.e.:- balanced diet, we need to drink clean water, we need to sleep properly, we need to take rest at every intervals etc. Without these it is impossible for us to achieve good health.

The Benefits of Good Health

If a person is in good health, they are able to enjoy the pleasures and pleasantries of life. It also helps  to save money on doctor bills and hospital visits. This allows people to spend their money on things you really want to do.

  • Regular physical exercise makes a human body strong and active. It also keeps a person free from all kinds of diseases. 
  •  Many people do not know how to achieve good health. For them it’s like a secret that can not be resolved. But good health is not a distant dream or long-term goal and through education this can be realised. Obtaining the right help and understanding is crucial for good health.

Food and Cooking 
  • An important step in achieving good health is proper nutrition and good health foods. Too many people today have no idea what proper nutrition means. We are living in a world that is full of fast food meals, high calorie snacks, fattening desserts and sugary beverages. In order to have good health one must first have good eating habits and eat good health foods.
These three aspects of health will definitely inform the services which I will provide within the WellFIT CENTRE. They are not priorities but necessities is promoting healthy people and lifestyles.


With this knowledge obtained I have created a scenario for a user within the WellFIT Centre.

Character Profile:

  • Name: Lisa Smith
  • Age: 19
  • Position: University Student
Recount of Lisa's day at the WellFIT Centre:

"It has been 2 days since my last iFIT and my wellness points (100 is maximum) have significantly dropped.  I press my hand against the screen and the computer begins to read my file. Today is shadow boxing and it is catered for my specific  wellness need. As I pick up my vision specs and receptor gloves I begin to punch at the flashing targets in front of me.  This only lasts for 15 minutes before the computer recognises that my endorphin levels are high and I am fully re-energised. I save my personal file for the next visit." 

Paddington Central Spatial Diagram with Character Experiences:

Also this week, I have enhanced and developed the spatial function diagram which we as a group created in the tutorial (seen in the last post). It showcases the spaces within our futuristic Paddington Central. Within this diagram I have briefly described the activities which are involved within each function, aswell as describing a character and their recount of the experience within that space.

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