Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 4 Tutorial - People and Lifestyles

Before we began the weekly activity the group thought it was necessary to develop a succinct statment which captured the future scenario in which we developed during last weeks tutorial. After much discussion the following statement was produced. 

Emerging from years of recession the community of Brisbane have relinquished the luxurious lifestyle and have ultimately reassessed their relationship with material objects. Communities have shifted their values and as a result major cultural changes have occurred. The community has begun to embrace a more humble and modest lifestyle returning to fundamental ideals. Our most basic needs of love, nourishment and unity underpin the communal mindset and success is today measured not by what we have but by what we can contribute.

 After establishing our future scenario the group began to really think about the experiences one would have at our new Paddington Central site. Particularly, what functions would exist here and what experiences people/users/characters would draw from being within the new site? The group began to pose questions like what are the needed spaces? What functions would exist at that period of time? Would it have a singular or multipurose?

We imagined this for a while and underpinned that four specific functions would satisfy a daily user at Paddington Central. It would allow for a fulfilled experience to be realised. We brainstormed for a while and established the following functions; the marketplace, the co-creation centre, edutainment and the wellfit centre. Although they are four singular functions we believe that they can integrate and fuse together to create an entire experience.

After developing the functions we tried to develop the experiences one would share whilst being at Paddington Central. Due to limited time we could only fill one of the functional experiences, the Co-Creation Centre. 

Obviously over the week this diagram needs to evolve with 4 individual recounts of the functional experience being drawn up into a single diagram. It would make it easier if this diagram became digital so we could play with the size, shape and colour. 

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