Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 2 - Tutorial

This week we formed a group of four within the suburban theme, for the first assessment piece for DAB810. It is my first time working with Sam, Sophie and Annie but I have confidence that we will be able to work together successfully as we are all like minded with a drive for excellence and perfection.

In the tutorial we began to discuss as a group what our thoughts were about the theme? What the assignment was? Who had researched? What did they find?

Many ideas were posed throughout the charette which made for a very insightful and inspiring class. We were able to generate many ideas over a short space of time but what difficulties we had was that the future scenario was so up in there. We were trying to ground ourselves, which was effecting our ability to think beyond the square. After talking with Peter we began to open up and it was found that most of our ideas surrounded new technologies, new culture and sustainability practices.

One particular idea that we all seemed to agree upon was the idea of making it into a food and grocer market which allowed for a wider range of produce and a greater community interaction. From here we began to think about technology and how in the future this market may become completely interactive. Such ideas included;
  • Combining smart integration with the market
  • Allowing to scan food and then buy it online
  • Having taste testers of each food or produce and then from there buying it online
  • Making it a drive through experience, where you can order online and pick it up after work
  • Having health experts there to educate you in the right choices of eating

Iphone integration with the grocery store

 Grocery store drive through

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