Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week 1 - Architecture is Future Vision

Another facet of DAB810 this semester is to "envisage" the future world/scenarios/communities which will exist. But this will not just limited to "what we think it will look like"....but rather designing for what will be needed within that future context. 

I believe that it is important for Architect's to always consider the future of the particular site context of their design, whether it is to do with things such as population growth, activity, or development within the area, etc. It is crucial for us to have a critical eye for "what could be" and "what may be needed" to accompany this. My view is supported by a comment within the lecture which stated that "an architectural proposition should therefore be backed up with thought future vision and strategy"

Within these next couple of weeks I need to begin to  understand what I feel will be our future, specifically;
 - How that will look? 
 - What will be needed for that context?
 - What will influence it?
 - What role can design play within that context?

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