Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 6 - Individual Project One Statement

We as a society have begun to emerge through the hardships of recession and have grown to relinquish the luxuries and material things that once used to own our lives. Major cultural changes have occurred due to the fact that the alignment of community values have been shifted. We no longer hold onto selfish traits, as society has reverted back to the ways of the past where we as a group embrace more humble and modest lifestyles. The community mindset is now underpinned by only the original  principles and needs of unity, nourishment and love. Today, success is no longer measured by what we have but in fact what each of us can contribute to society.

In 2017, Paddington is transformed on a whole due to the presence of an open sourced market place which is underpinned by community interactions through the exchange of skills, goods, space and time. It now exists as a community, based on the generation of collaborative living. Specifically, Paddington Central has formed as the hub and heart to all collaborative activities. It has evolved through changes in space and function, uniting four key services for the wellness of the community. These include; a market place, edutainment hub, co-creation centre and a wellfit institute. Together these services feed the community by defining qualitiesand providing a site to which collaborative interaction leads to aflourishing culture of prosperity and generosity.

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