Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week 5 - Lecture

Dr Philip Crowther directed the lecture for this week. I found this to be my favourite lecture of the five so far as it was so engaging and inspiring. Additionally, most of the content was about New York which is where I will be traveling after graduating at the end of the year. Although I felt that this lecture was directed more at the Urban theme group I did pick up some elements for my own groups design purposes and inspirations.  His opinions and explanations of communal housing particularly resonated with me as last week the group talked about developing more of a community housing feel where urban infill would begin to set itself as a trend.

Another inspirational feature of the lecture was "The High Line" Project . This project took a major piece of infrastructure which had previously been unused and unwanted and made it relevant to the city by transforming it into an urban park.This definitely caught my attention as I felt that it was a great exemplar of the future projects of Architecture. I think this project was extremely successful in creating a new identity for the meat packing district of New York and providing the area with new opportunities that came with the influx of people wanting to see and use the new attraction. I feel that this sort of project could be established in Brisbane in the near future and could inject some sort of life back into the city. We have many unused spaces which I feel could be revamped and once again become a desired destination rather than just acting as a passing point. 

 The High Line Project

  The High Line Project

  The High Line Project

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