Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week 5 - Architectural Opportunies


During the tutorial Annie and I began searching for inspiration with regards to the Sustainability Future diagram that we were delegated. It was our responsibility to define a new triple bottom line for the future society and have this represented with our finalised diagram. A few inspirations of the sort of diagram were researched and what we want to develop can be seen below.

The image above was agreed upon as our favourite and we want to go ahead with this and use it as our inspiration. Hopefully we can adapt this to our particular needs and produce something which is understandable and provides a clear image of our future sustainable society. As Annie has an exam on Wednesday I am going to take the opportunity to begin to develop the diagram.


This week we had to present four individual architectural opportunities to the class to explain on an design level, as to how this site will develop according to our futuristic scenario. As we had already explored the notion of architectural opportunities on the Paddington site throughout the weeks it put our group in good sted for this weeks class presentation.

Each of the group members over the previous week had further explored, researched and evolved their ideas and understandings of their function spaces. Therefore, the group was inspired to further develop this fusion of the four functions which  would permeate throughout the local Paddington community.

The dream we have for Paddington Central is for it to act as a structure which will inform close community interactions and collectively shape the community users through engaging and participating in simple, blue collar activities/jobs (which once defined our working society). This structure containing the functions;

  • Market place
  • Co-Creation Centre
  • Edutainment Centre
  • Wellfit Centre

will act as a source of collaborative living and will hopefully form as a lead model for the greater Brisbane, Queensland and even Australian community.

We delivered the following powerpoint to the class.

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