Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 2 Lecture

This lecture looked at 'What If.....' scenarios. A few examples of fictional examples of future scnearios were shown. Robots of Brixton by Kibwe Tavares was a student project which won the Presidents Medal Student Award. This movie is a social comment on how technology may eventually destroy human beings.

An interesting phrase I heard is this short clip was 'Evolution, not revolution'. Revolution in this case, is starting from scratch. It in turn means building the walls of the city as to how the should have been the first time. Evolution however is life adapting to the surrounding organisms and climate which confronts us. Evolution has presented the architecture of the past, and provides the foundations for the future.

Both of these terms can could in fact help to pave the future in a positive manner. But from my viewpoint I think that it has to be a combination of the two.  Rather than destroying a city and rebuilding it how about just expand it to a better relocation? Perhaps also looking at the ways we live, and attempt to adjust day to day activities we take for granted. Humans for the past thousands of years managed without technology, but is it time for it be a technological resolution? I wonder how long it will last before we see these sorts of changes within our everyday life?

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