Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 9 Lecture - Architecture as an Assistant Device

This week in the lecture I learned that a piece of Architecture cannot be viewed as just an entity or structure simply sitting within a space. No, it is more detailed than this with it establishing itself as a device for the community and the users of the space. Specifically, it was interesting to note that a structure serves two distinctive purposes;

  • Protection - with regards to means of defending the user from such factors as weather, conflicts and social obligations (privacy)
  • Opportunity - means of providing opportunities for activation and production (functionality).

I discovered that it is these purposes which allow Architecture to be "for the people (users)" (image below).  As a consequence I now realise and understand it is highly important that my building values the user by heightening their experiences through the inclusions of both protection and opportunity. I am now beginning to think in more detail about how I am going to design for the user, both functionally and aesthetically. My initial feeling is that I should protect the user somewhat but in a way which will add to the experience positively (e.g. filtration of natural light into a space). I feel that if I were to smother the user with protection that it will lead to an uncomfortable user experience and also will limit my opportunities. Over the next week I want to investigate the opportunity for spaces like thinking and reflecting and sharing and collaborating to be included within my Wellfit Centre.

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