Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 8 Lecture - Greening isn't necessarily sustainable

The lecture this week was conducted by Yasu yet again, involving the discussion of sustainability, with regards to the existence of greening. I felt that the introduction to the lecture was very interesting, specifically to hear Yasu's opinion about sustainability and its effects on buildings and us as Architects. One particular point which resonated with me was the explanation of "ecological balance" from an environmental point of view. It was defined that ecological balance is "a state of dynamic equilibrium within a community of organisms in which genetic, species and ecosystem diversity remain relatively stable, subject to gradual changes through natural succession.". I had never heard sustainability defined in such terms and I felt that this particular notion could help to add an environmental perspective to my design, allowing it to become more wholesome as a entity overall. 

The Wellfit Centre which I have chosen to design offers itself as a place where the user is valued, in order to improve one's wellness and health through education and recreation. It can be said that in turn this definition of ecological balance above could transcend through to the "users" of the building where in such they as a result of their experience can develop a sense of equilibrium with themselves both mentally and physically (figure below). I feel that this strong sense of balance must be investigated and researched as it could potentially create a powerful explanation and experience for such a building within the future context.   

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