Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 7 - Scenario/Characters

This week I have begun to develop my future scenario, its characters and the architectural entity which will respond to this.


My future scenario has been developed for the year 2025.

The scenario suggests that the Paddington community will continue to grow in density with the small amount of green spaces/parks/empty lots seized up by developers to construct new infrastructure which is needed to cater for the population expansion. Individually, people will begin to lead more privatised lives at home (due to lack of space), opting to remain indoors rather than to go walk the dog or take their kids to the playground. People will also have to take on stronger responsibilities at work due to the new competition of workers as a result of the population increase. As a consequence this will lead to people working longer hours during the day, leaving no time to relax, interact or have fun with friends and family. This new intensive lifestyle will lead to a dramatic decrease in people's health and wellbeing from both a mental and physical perspective.

I have decided to develop two characters for my story, female and male, in order to get a broader perspective of views, actions and behaviours from the characters. I believe that both Chloe and Michael (as husband and wife) will be able to actively use the Wellfit Centre for both their individual needs and also their needs as a family (two kids). The profiles of these characters can be seen below.

I believe Chloe will actively use the Wellfit Centre to shop for groceries and to catch up with friends for coffee on the weekend. As she is a studious person and has a passion for cooking I feel that she will also participate in taking advantage of the educational facilities in order to improve her health lifestyle and also her family's. Furthermore, it is noted that she will also take her two sons Jack and Chris to the rooftop urban park, to ensure that they can have fun as a family.

I beleive Michael will actively use the Wellfit Centre to improve his health mainly from a physical point of view. I believe that he will consistently use the gym to help improve his fitness whilst also possibly using the urban park to exercise. He will also use the bar at nighttime to catch up with mates for a drink when he can. Like Chloe he will also take his two sons so that they can have the experience as a family every once and a while.

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