Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 15 - Exhibition

Walking around the exhibition it was interesting to see how each person had individually developed their futuristic scenario and as a result had formed an architectural entity fit for the Paddington central site, in the future (short and long). What was noticeable was that there were varying solutions, with many students offering unique forms and functions for their buildings. These ranged from cultural centres, secondary schools, urban parks, etc. Without reading in detail, it appeared visually that the future will be very sustainably based with many students opting to focus on involving green energy, technology and farming/produce in their designs. From my perspective the best design outcomes were achieved  through the development of;
  • A well constructed scenario
  • A well constructed character
  • An interactive and friendly user experience
  • A building which imitated the site conditions (topography)
  • A building which considered its adjacent buildings (size and height)
  • A building which improved the community connection and interaction

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