Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 15 - Crit

After the presentation the tutors offered some valuable opinions towards my design, explaining that the idea and scheme was strong and exciting but in certain areas it did lack the necessary detail to truly tell the story. Some positive ideas/suggestions which I took away from the critique were;

  • Add columns to the floor plans to show how the structure works
  • Develop the Warmington/Latrobe Tce entry into a more multipuposeful space (e.g. markets) 
  • Activate the topographic roof with greater functions, looking into options of an outdoor cinema or performance space (music stage) 
  • To invite users to hidden spaces by allowing them a view of the space (rooftop park)
  • Make the topographic roof less mean by adding greenery space to it
  • Moving the cafe from the roof to the lecture space (slicing the roof in half)
  • Making the green roof more believable (greater research in detail)
  • Tracking the services vehicles access to Woolworths
These suggestions I believe would not only help to enhance the current Wellfit Centre functionally and aestetically but the advice will also allow me to grow as a designer and become more "critical" about my designs in the future.

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