Friday, November 9, 2012

Alterations to the Design

Mark up to the Gym level Plan
In the diagram above I have remarked the floor plan with necessary columns which would exist within the structure. With the limited knowledge that I have with regards to a buildings structure I feel that the columns would be placed around the outside of the floor plate to withstand the load. Also, within the diagram I have outlined the track of the Woolworths services truck, clearing up the issue of the access which was raised by the tutors. By also noting dimensions for these spaces it also provides an understanding of how the truck would move throughout it.

Mark up to the Ground Level Plan

Again within the floorplan above I have marked in the necessary columns on the floor plate which will ensure that the building will be structurally sound. Furthermore, I have highlighted the entrance space as a possible location for co-curricular activities such as markets which would help to activate the somewhat blank space currently within the design. 

Mark up to the Level 1 Plan
Floorplan has been marked up with relevant columns. Within the presentation the tutors felt that by shortening the distance to the cafe/bar would delight the users of the space. As a result, I have roughly sketched out a proposal which reveals the relocation of the cafe/bar down to the lecture room space below. As it can be seen the topographical roof has been cut in half allowing for an entry way to be created for the new cafe/bar space. Stairs will continue on the left hand side, where the user will reach the lookout point which will offer a great view of both paddington and the city.

Mark up to the Long Section

Upon being notified that my urban park trees would not grow due to an insufficient slab depth I have completed some research on the matter and remarked the section as a result. In the section it can be seen that the slab has definitely deepened which requires the need for extra and more larger structural columns to withstand the new load. I have also added a detail of the green roof which will help to explain the idea to the tutors.

Mark up to the Topographic roof over building
Within the diagram above it can be seen that I have tried to rectify the "meaness" of the topographic roof by nominating spaces for new greenery to be placed. Vegetation and grass additions will help to activate the space, soften the roof and also provide a functional and visual benefit for the user.

Mark up to the Topographic roof over building
Within this diagram I have begun to think and play around with the idea that the tutor developed regarding the penetration through the skin of the building to provide a greater view of the urban park beyond. I believe that the space I wish to penetrate is best for the user as it is the shortest and quickest route upon entering the topographic roof. Also I have begun to think about the needed activation of the somewhat dead roof space. I feel that a outdoor cinema would fit best as it would allow for the space to be activated during the night and the roof would naturally accommodate this with the angle.

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